2013年10月1日 星期二

Walking In The Air

We’re walking in the air
We’re floating in the moonlit sky
The people far below are sleeping as we fly

I´m holding very tight
I’m riding in the midnight blue
I’m finding I can fly so high above with you

Far across the world
The villages go by like dreams
The rivers and the hills
The forests and the streams

Children gaze open mouth
Taken by surprise
Nobody down below believes their eyes

We’re surfing in the air
We’re swimming in the frozen sky
We’re drifting over icy mountains floating by

Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep
Rousing up a mighty monster from his sleep

We’re walking in the air
We’re floating in the midnight sky
And everyone who sees us greets us as we fly

I´m holding very tight
I’m riding in the midnight blue
I’m finding I can fly so high above with you

We’re walking in the air
We’re walking in the air

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